Sunday, 15 April 2018

Wyre U3a - A Journey to St. Kilda, The Lonely Isles

12th April 2018
Wyre U3a
St. Kilda: The Lonely Isles
Well over 100 members of the Wyre U3a assembled to hear me talk about the Lonely Isles of St. Kilda. It's a place that hold a fascination for people, for it's one of those places in the UK that is rarely visited, probably because of the difficulty of getting there.

It is, after all, 40 miles west of the Outer Hebrides, and 100 miles west of the Scottish west coast, so perhaps that's the reason.

However, St. Kilda does have dual World Heritage Status in respect of its Social history and its wildlife, including that below the waves, making it one of just 32 such places world-wide.

There are, therefore, many reasons for making an effort, and I hope that the talk may encourage one or two people to do so.
Perhaps the reason not many people were sitting near the front was that they didn't
want to be caught by the sea-spray!

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Bolton Family History Society

 A talk about Preston resident and Freeman, Moses Holden 1777-1864, in his birth-place of Bolton, was an appealing prospect for me, and an 80-odd strong audience was a real encouragement.
There are a few factual errors  in the Society's report, see below, but if you think the talk would be of interest to your group, get in touch and talk to me about it.