Monday, 27 May 2019

National Association of Flower Arrangers Fellowship

National Association of Flower Arrangers Fellowship

On Monday 20th May I gave a talk to a wonderful group of around 90 ladies and a handful of gentlemen about the fantastic gardens at Gresgarth Hall in Caton near Lancaster. It was very well received indeed.
The facilities at Barton Grange Hotel are simply fantastic, with my photographs being displayed on THREE large screen in the dining room. I think it must be a similar experience at a political rally!

Running through the trailers for my other talks before lunch.
Just waiting for the last of the coffee to be consumed before the talk started.

Thursday, 24 January 2019


Thursday morning 24th January 2019

I took a gathering of around 60 folk on a virtual trip to the distant islands that comprise St. Kilda in the North Atlantic. Often, only the odd one or two members of my audience have been to St. Kilda, but this morning we drew a complete blank!
One lady's husband had been a number of years ago, and a gentleman in the audience had a friend whose brother had been!
However, it's to be hoped that I've whetted the appetite of a few of them to take up the challenge. It's one of those places that seems to have the power to draw you back again, so if I can get them there once, you never know.
The village hall where the U3a meet, is right next door to Hesketh Bank FC football ground.
It was a grey, misty morning, but at least the heavy frost had cleared from the day before.
The Community Centre is a thoroughly good place for their monthly meetings / lectures, with a good supply of equipment to make things a success.
The audience of around 60 people has begun to assemble in order to disseminate all the latest gossip, and before the curtains are drawn for the morning talk.
The talk went well, and I think the audience departed for their lunch intent on making the hazardous crossing to the islands...……….maybe?!

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Ambleside U3a: Monday 14th January 2019

Monday 14th January 2019

"Small Hebridean Islands - In a Small Boat"
Apparently, a record audience of around 108, assembled in the wonderful Marchesi Centre, Holly Road, Windermere, for the above talk. Hopefully it was enjoyed by all.
A portion of the record audience listen to announcements from the Chairman, prior to the talk
I'd spent an hour and a half in the walled garden at Holehird Gardens, the home of the Lakeland Horticultural Society, and the heady aroma provided by the Daphne, the Mahonia, the Hamamelis, and the hundreds of early Snowdrops, was phenomenal, even at this early time of the year.
I'd gone deliberately to see if I could get some material to add to my talk "Yes, We have no Galanthus", a story of the humble Snowdrop. I'll be returning next month when they reach their peak.