Saturday, 24 March 2018

Stick and Wheel Club, Staveley

The Stick and Wheel Club

Staveley Village Institute and the River Kent       Photo:  Steve Halliwell

There can be few places to speak that are lovelier than the Village Institute in Staveley, and such was the case on Monday 19th March 2018, when I gave my talk, "From Victoria to Ventnor" to the gathered ladies and gentlemen.
We explored the differences between two gardens on the Isle of Wight, Queen Victoria's Osborne House at the north of the island, and the tropical Ventnor Gardens at the most southerly point on the island.
Although the name of the club is intended to indicate how their members may arrive there - either with a walking stick or a form of wheeled walking aid, but I saw little evidence of wheels, and most seemed to make light of their need for a stick! Just a bit of insurance, eh?
The hour's talk seemed to be thoroughly enjoyed, and the tea and home-made cake afterwards certainly was.
Posted by: Steve Halliwell 24.3.2018

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